The Stanley Shortstack Adventure Travel Mug 8oz

Review of the Stanley Adventure Shortstack Travel Mug 8oz

With the demise of my glass Keep Cup 8oz, the time came to find a new travel mug. Suitable for both medium and large coffees, easy to wash, classy for the office and suitable for hiking, I was pleased to find the Stanley Adventure Shortstack Travel Mug ticked all boxes.

Maori Rock Art in Waikari

Māori Rock Art Walk at Waikari

Keen to see Māori rock art within reasonable driving distance of Christchurch? Check out this 90 minute walk in Waikari, North Canterbury.

Kairaki Beach Flood Damage at Waimakariri River Mouth

Flood Damage at Kairaki Beach, Kaiapoi

Check out video and photos of the damage caused to Kairaki Beach at the Waimakariri River mouth following the Canterbury floods of 2021.

Glentui River Bridge Flood Damage

Flood Damage at Glentui Loop Track

Check out photos and video of flood damage to one of Canterbury’s walking tracks following a heavy rain storm in June/May 2021.